当前位置: 首页» 通知公告 2018年夏季培训班——遥感在天气、气候、环境中的应用与气溶胶-云-降水相互作用 发布时间:Fri Jul 06 09:54:00 CST 2018

2018 Summer Colloquium

Remote Sensing Applications for Weather, Climate, Environment and Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions




Beijing Normal University

Aug 13-17, 2018



随着中国、美国和欧洲新一代极轨和静止卫星仪器先后发射并成功并投入使用,卫星遥感在天气业务、环境监测、和气候研究中正发挥越来越重要的作用。云、气溶胶、降水及其相互作用是影响地球能量平衡和水循环的最主要因素,也是气候变化研究中的最不确定因素。因此云、气溶胶及其及其相互作用一直是气候变化的前沿科学问题。 为了及时了解这些前沿领域的发展状况,三位相关领域的知名专家学者将在北京师范大学举行系列讲座。他们是以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学Daniel Rosenfeld教授,美国马里兰大学、北京师范大学李占清教授,前NOAA卫星气象与气候处主任,现任中国气象局卫星研究与应用联合中心主任翁富忠研究员。三位将开设一周的高强度课程,共30学时,中英文授课,内容涵盖遥感基础、遥感在天气和气候中的应用,云物理理论,气溶胶、云和降水探测、人工影响天气、观测在模式模拟中的应用等。讲座期间还安排一次参观正在北京南郊开展的大城市综合观测的实地参观,使学员对遥感仪器与观测有更加直观的认识。


With the successful launch and operation of the new generations of satellite sensors aboard polar orbiting and geostationary satellites by US, EU and China, satellite remote sensing is playing an increasingly important role in weather forecasting and environmental applications. At the same time, clouds, aerosols, precipitation and their interactions are in the forefront of the Earth's energy balance and water cycle, which are also the most uncertain factor in climate change research. Therefore, clouds, aerosols and their interactions have been the frontier of climate change studies.  In order to keep abreast of the development of these frontier fields, three well-known experts will give a series of lectures. They are Professor Daniel Rosenfeld of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel, Professor Zhanqing Li of the University of Maryland and Beijing Normal University; Weng Fuzhong, Former Director of the NOAA Satellite Meteorology and Climate Division, and current director of the Joint Research Center for Satellite Research and Applications of the China Meteorological Administration. The three will offer a one-week high-intensity training course with 30 hours of instruction in both Chinese and English covering the basics of remote sensing, the application of remote sensing in weather and climate, cloud physics theory, aerosol, cloud and precipitation detection, weather modification, observation and mode inter-comparison, etc. During the lecture, a site visit to the comprehensive observation of large cities in the southern suburbs of Beijing will also arranged as an opportunity for a more intuitive understanding of instruments and observations.

                                  李占清      2018年7月1号


Highlight of the Course and Lecturers




Morning (9-12:30)

Afternoon (1:30-5:00)

Aug 13


Overview of remote sensing platforms, sensors and products

Zhanqing Li


Tutorial on Fast and Accurate Radiative Transfer Modeling

Fuzhong Weng

Satellite remote sensing for weather applications

Fuzhong Weng


Satellite remote sensing of cloud parameters

Zhanqing Li



Aug 14


Satellite remote sensing of aerosol and precursor gases

Zhanqing Li


The importance of cloud aerosol interactions in Earth energy budget and radiative forcing. 0.5 h

Danny Rosenfeld

Satellite remote sensing for climate applications 

Fuzhong Weng


Aircraft observations of aerosol impacts on rain forming processes

Danny Rosenfeld



Aug 15


Satellite remote sensing of precipitation

Zhanqing Li


Satellite observations of aerosol impacts on rain forming processes

Danny Rosenfeld


Aerosol effects on marine stratocumulus

Danny Rosenfeld

 Convective invigoration by CCN suppressing rain and enhancing mixed phase precipitation

Danny Rosenfeld

Aug 16


Convective invigoration by ultrafine aerosols

Danny Rosenfeld

Aerosol effects on glaciating clouds

Danny Rosenfeld



 Aerosol effects on severe convective storms and tropical cyclones

Danny Rosenfeld


CCN retrieval and mapping from satellites

Danny Rosenfeld


Aug 17


Use of remote sensing data for monitoring and understanding air pollution in China and impact on climate changes


Zhanqing Li


Tour the ongoing intensive field experiment of the comprehensive mega-city observations in southern Beijing.

Zhanqing Li

Adjourn at 3pm


Biographies of the Lecturers

Daniel Rosenfeld, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel


Screen Shot 2013-06-01 at 5Dr. Rosenfeld received his B.Sc in geology, M.Sc and Ph.D (1986) in cloud physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  He did his postdoctoral study at NASA/GSFC where he began learning satellite remote sensing (RS) and quickly became a leading expert. His primary research interests are in cloud physics, weather modification, aeroso-cloud-precipitation interactions. He has made numerous breakthroughs leading to paradigm shifts in weather modification, aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions. To date, D. Rosenfeld has published 173 papers in SCI journals including Nature, Science, Nature Geoscience, PNAS, JGR, etc. and a H-index of 51. He received the Verner Suomi Medal, WMO/UAE Prize for Excellence in Weather Modification, Schaefer Award, AGU’s Kaufman Award, etc. He is a member of European Academy of Sciences, fellow of AGU and AMS


Zhanqing Li, Beijing Normal University &University of Maryland


Description: Li Zhanqing 3.JPGZ. Li received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, a PhD (1991) from McGill University. He has been a professor  in the Dept of Atmos. & Oceanic Sci and ESSIC at University of Maryland. He has engaged in wide range of studies concerning climate change, atmospheric physics, terrestrial and atmospheric environment. He developed a suite of remote sensing algorithms products and systems, drastically revised the disposition of solar radiation budget, solved cloud absorption anomaly, and revealed the long-term impact of aerosols on climate, and deeply engaged in air pollution and climate changes in China. He has received 10 research achievement awards from US, Canada and Germany, authored 270 articles in leading journals including Nature, Science, Nature-Geo. He is a fellow of AAAS, AGU & AMS; editor of J. Geophy. Res. and guest editor of ACP.



Fuzhong Weng, CAMS/Key State Laboratory for Severe Laboratory


F. Weng received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from Nanjing Institute of Meteorology,  a Ph.D.(1992) degree from Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University (CSU), Fort Collins, USA.

He has been a 1000-Plan research professor at Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (CAMS).  He won a number of awards, including  the first winner of the 2000 NOAA David Johnson Award for his outstanding contributions to satellite microwave remote sensing fields and the utilization of satellite data in the NWP models  US Department of Commerce Gold Medal Award in 2005 for his achievement in satellite data assimilation,  NOAA bronze medal for leading successful NOAA-18 instrument calibration, and NOAA Administrator’s Award for developing new and powerful radiative transfer models to assimilate advanced satellite data.  He has 190 papers published in international journals. He is a co-chief editor of Journal of Meteorological Research.  




联 系 人:孙洋

电 话:010-58802127;13220106280


地址:北京师范大学全球变化与地球系统科学研究院报告厅,北京师范大学南院京师科技大厦B座520,邮 编:100875
