当前位置: 首页» 通知公告 Geoengineering the Climate: Impacts and the Developing World Summer School at Beijing Normal University 17-21 July 2017 发布时间:Tue Feb 21 17:08:00 CST 2017


Solar Radiation Management (SRM) is the most radical, controversial, and rapidly acting form of geoengineering. SRM is a set of proposals to reduce the impacts of climate change by means such as sulfate aerosol injection or marine cloud brightening. This school will focus on interpreting and analysing computer simulation of SRM from the international Geoengineering Intercomparison project (GeoMIP) consortium of 12 Earth System models. We will also investigate social and ethical aspects of SRM. The GeoMIP simulation and data are from large computer systems that are not available in the developing world, and inaccessible with typical internet speeds. This the school will equip developing world researchers with the state-of-the-art simulation results on geoengineering, and the knowledge of how to use these results in their own studies. 



John Moore, Duoying Ji, Long Cao, Ying Chen (China’s geoengineering program), Pete Irvine (Harvard University), Doug MacMartin (Cornell University), Masa Sugiyama (Tokyo University)


The summer school will train researchers and advanced students with an expertise in their local climate change impacts in the developing world.  The essential local knowledge and impact models needed for understanding and predicting climate change scenarios have not considered geoengineering climates. These impacts may be, for example, in the effects of large storms or typhoons, floods, droughts, or agricultural production. The students will be given GeoMIP data on a disk to keep.



Apply before March 30 by sending a 300 word explanation of your motivation for attending, and current CV. Also indicate if travel support is needed.  For further information and applications please contact John Moore john.moore.bnu (at) gmail.com



We have limited travel grants available for participants who apply for transport costs. Meals and accommodation will be provided at BNU by the course.

