当前位置: 首页»科学研究» 科研动态 【学术讲座】Ecohydrological optimization of pattern and process in water-limited ecosystems.(生态水在水限制生态系统中的优化模式及过程) 发布时间:Mon May 07 12:14:00 CST 2012

Topic:Ecohydrological optimization of pattern and process in water-limited ecosystems.(生态水在水限制生态系统中的优化模式及过程)

Speaker:Kelly Caylor

Kelly Caylor’s research seeks to develop improved insight into the way that land use and climate change are interacting to affect the hydrological dynamics and ecological resilience of global drylands.

Ø 2007 - Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University

Ø 2005 - 2007 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Indiana University

Ø 2004 - 2005 Postdoctoral Research Associate, National Center for Earth Dynamics, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University


本次请Kelly Caylor教授来北师大给年青教师及研究生进行关于生态水在水限制生态系统中的优化模式及过程的详细讲解,并让学生在机房进行相关软件培训使用。


1) Metabolic principles of river basin organization

时间:2012-5-15 9:00-12:00 地点:英东楼第三讲学厅

2) Direct quantification of leaf transpiration isotopic composition

时间:2012-5-15 14:00-17:00 地点:英东楼第三讲学厅

3) Ecohydrology in practice:strengths,conveniences,and opportunities

时间:2012-5-16 14:00-17:00 地点:英东楼第三讲学厅

4) Climatological determinants of woody cover in africa

时间:2012-5-16 9:00-12:00 地点:英东楼第三讲学厅

5) Herbivores and mutualistic ants interact to modify tree photosynthesis

时间:2012-5-17 14:00-17:00 地点:英东楼第三讲学厅

6) Land degradation and evapotranspiration partitioning

时间:2012-5-18 18:00-21:00 地点:后主楼2209

7) Optimal vegetation organization in dryland ecosystems

时间:2012-5-19 18:00-21:00 地点:后主楼2209



Host: Qingyun Duan


