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John Moore教授和纪多颖老师将于10月12日举办一个关于Downscaling 的workshop,主要讨论使用Downscaling方法从地球系统模式中获得高分辨率数据,欢迎本领域的老师同学参加,或者将讲座信息转发给相关领域的师生,多谢!


Downscaling workshop 12 October 2016
To model impacts of climate change and geonegineered climates often high resolution spatial and temporal data is needed. This workshop looks at different approaches to producing high resolution data from Earth System models. In particular we will focus on
1. Dynamic downscaling using WRF, with application to city scale regions
2. Statistical downscaling using the methodology of the ISIMIP project
3. Bespoke methods, e.g. semi-empirical modelling

One key problem faced by socio-economic impact modelers in dealing with results of climate models is the coarse resolution of most model output (typically 200 km) versus the city or local scale needs of health, agriculture, forestry etc. which are closer to 10 km in scale. All downscaling methods have virtues, but sometimes it is clear which ones need to be used. We will discuss how to validate the results and initialize the models and incorporate observational constraints.

Timing, location, teaching
(GCESS room 520 October 12, 9.30 – 12.30. Teaching Ji Duoying, John Moore + graduate students in China geoengineering program.

Local and regional impact modelers and people wishing to explore how geoengineering may affect the aspects of climates that interest them. Socio-economic researchers and students in the geoengineering program.
