当前位置: 首页»科学研究» 科研动态 【07.19讲座】Desert Amplification in a Warming Climate 发布时间:Thu Jul 14 16:36:00 CST 2016

  题:Desert Amplification in a Warming Climate

主讲人:Liming Zhou

  间:20160719 (星期二) 14:00-16:00



     Observations show that the global mean surface temperature has increased steadily since the 1950s and this warming trend is particularly strong and linear over land after 1979. This work analyzes the observed and projected surface temperature anomalies for the period 1950-2099 by large-scale ecoregion. The land areas between 50°S-50°N are classified into various large-scale ecoregions based on the climatological vegetation greenness index values. Strongest warming is consistently and persistently seen over driest ecoregions such as the Sahara desert and the Arabian Peninsula during various 30-year periods, pointing to desert amplification in a warming climate. This amplification enhances linearly with the global mean greenhouse gases (GHGs) radiative forcing and is attributable primarily to a stronger GHGs-enhanced downward longwave radiation forcing reaching the surface over drier ecoregions as a consequence of a warmer and thus moister atmosphere in response to increasing GHGs. These results indicate that desert amplification may represent a fundamental pattern of global warming associated with water vapor feedbacks over land in low- and mid- latitudes where surface warming rates depend inversely on ecosystem drynessIt is likely that desert amplification might involve two types of water vapor feedbacks that maximize respectively in the tropical upper troposphere and near the surface over deserts, with both being very dry and thus extremely sensitive to changes of water vapor.


Liming Zhou is an Associate Professor with the Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences at SUNY Albany. He earned his Ph.D in geography (majoring in satellite remote sensing) and his M.Sc. and B.Sc in meteorology (majoring in synoptic dynamics and numerical weather prediction). He have a good publication record in the fields of land-surface remote sensing, land-climate interactions, and land surface modeling (e.g., author or coauthor of 3 book chapters including the IPCC AR4 Report and 73 peer-reviewed journal papers). His peer-refereed publications since 2000 have a total citation of 8790 times (h-index: 36) according to Google Scholar and 5048 times (h-index: 33) according to Web of Science as of July 8, 2016. He have been active in professional service activities as a NSF program director and as a reviewer for ~30 major geophysical journals and for NSF and NASA proposals.

    周黎明(Liming Zhou),副教授,美国纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校大气与环境科学系。波士顿大学地理学博士(遥感),南京气象学院本科(天气动力学)和硕士(数值预报)。发表70多篇SCI论文, 涉及遥感, 气候和陆气相互作用。论文有较高的引用率: Google scholar (8790 /h-index: 36); Web of Science (5048/h-index: 33; 基于201678日的统计)。此外,周黎明是30多个国际主要地学杂志评审;他曾但任美国国家科学基金委气候和大气动力学项目部主任;NASA  NSF科研项目评审中国中央气象台预报员。
