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【07.15讲座】Human Emissions of Particles to the Stratosphere from Geoengineering or Nuclear Winter: a Bad Idea and a Very Bad Idea
发布时间:Thu Jul 07 17:44:00 CST 2016
题 目:Human Emissions of Particles to the Stratosphere from Geoengineering or Nuclear Winter: a Bad Idea and a Very Bad Idea 时 间: 2016.7.15(星期五)9:30-11:30 地 点:京师科技大厦B座520会议室 报告人:Alan Robock, Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University 主持人:John Moore 报告人介绍:
摘要: We have conducted climate model simulations of these anthropogenic stratospheric aerosol injections and find that both would have severe negative consequences for the Earth. Global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to climate change are a much better way to channel our resources to address anthropogenic global warming. A nuclear war between any two nuclear powers, such as India and Pakistan or India and China, with each country using 50 Hiroshima-sized atom bombs, could produce climate change unprecedented in recorded human history and global-scale ozone depletion. Furthermore, a large-scale conflict between the U.S. and Russia could still produce nuclear winter. The effects of regional and global nuclear war would last for more than a decade, much longer than previously thought.
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