代表性论著 1.Xu, Z., Li, X.*(通讯作者), Tian, P., Huang, Y., Zhu, Q., Zou, H., et al., 2024. Global warming potentials of CO2 uptake, CH4 emissions, and albedo changes in a restored mangrove ecosystem. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 129, e2023JG007924.
2.Zhu, Q., Chen, J.,Charles P.‐A.,B., Sonnentag, O., Montagnani, L., O’Halloran, T.L., Scott, Russell L., Forsythe, J., Song, B., Zou, H., Duan, M., Li, X.*(通讯作者), 2024. Albedo‐induced global warming potential following disturbances in global temperate and boreal forests. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,129, e2023JG007848.
3.Zou, H., Chen, J*., Li, X.*(通讯作者), Abraha, M., Zhao, X., Tang, J., 2024. Modeling Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 with Gated Recurrent Unit Neural Networks. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 350, 109985.
4.Xiao, M., Li, X.*(通讯作者), Zhang, H., Meng, H., Dong, J., 2024. Environmental impact assessment and remediation decision-making of a contaminated megasite: combining LCA and IO-LCA. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142586.
5.Huang, Y., Zheng, G., Li, X.*(通讯作者), Xiao, J., Xu, Z., Tian, P., 2024. Habitat quality evaluation and pattern simulation of coastal salt marsh wetlands. Science of the Total Environment, 174003.
6.Xiao, M., Li, X.*(通讯作者), Seuntjens, P., Sharifi, M., Mao, D., Dong, J., Yang, X., Zhang, H., 2024. Qualitative and quantitative simulation of best management practices (BMPs) for contaminated megasite remediation using the SiteWise™ tool. Journal of Environmental Management, 360: 121098.
7.Zhu, Q., Chen, J., Wu, L., Huang, Y., Shao, C., Dong, G., Xu., Z., Li, X.*(通讯作者), 2024. Changes in albedo and its radiative forcing of grasslands in East Asia drylands. Ecological Process, 13, 17.
8.Zou, H., Li, X.*(通讯作者), Li, S., Xu, Z., Yu, Z., Cai, H., Chen, W., Ni, X., Wu, E., Zeng, G., 2023. Soil organic carbon stocks increased across the tide-induced salinity transect in restored mangrove region. Scientific Reports, 13,19758.
9.Guo, Y., Wang, X.*, Li, X.*(通讯作者), Xu, M., Li, Y., Zheng, H., Luo, Y., Smith, P., 2021. Impacts of land use and salinization on soil inorganic and organic carbon in the middle-lower Yellow River Delta, Pedosphere, 31(6): 839-848.
10.Lu, X., Cheng, X., Li, X.*(通讯作者), Tang, J.*, 2018. Opportunities and challenges of applications of satellite-derived sun-induced fluorescence at relatively high spatial resolution. Science of The Total Environment, 619-620:649-653.
11.Sun, M., Zhang, H., Dong, D., Gao, F., Li, X.*(通讯作者), Zhang, R*., 2018. A comparison of CH4 emissions from coastal and inland rice paddy soils in China. CATENA, 170: 365-373.
12.Li ,X.* (第一作者), He, H., Yuan, W., Li, L., Xu, W., Liu, W., Shi, H., Hou, L., Chen, J., Wang, Z., 2017. Response of soil methane uptake to simulated nitrogen deposition and grazing management across three types of steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. Science of the total environment, 612: 799-808.
13.肖萌, 刘瑞平, 李香兰*(通讯作者)等. 基于SiteWise~(TM)工具的污染场地修复环境足迹分析. 中国环境科学, 2024, 44(01): 278-287.
14.桑春晖, 杨欣桐, 李香兰*(通讯作者)等. 基于SEFA方法的异位土壤修复环境足迹分析——以某钢铁厂为例.中国环境科学, 2023, 43(10): 5359-5367.
15.肖萌, 刘鹏, 孟豪, 李香兰*(通讯作者)等. 基于绿色可持续理念的污染场地修复碳足迹研究进展.土壤, 2023, 55(04): 708-717.
16.伍良旭,邹慧敏, 陈威, 李香兰*(通讯作者)等. 国家自然保护区海岛森林碳汇潜力评估及驱动因素分析.海洋学研究, 2023, 41(01): 96-109.
17.孟豪,董璟琦,李香兰*(通讯作者)等.污染场地风险管控碳排放计算方法及案例分析.中国环境科学, 2023, 43(S1): 368-375.